Have you ever wondered if there is a relationship between layout or design of your home and your life? The old Chinese art called Feng Shui was created thousands of years ago and meant to improve people’s lives by creating the right energy flow at home. Chinese people used laws of astronomy and geography and applied them to the orientation of rooms and objects in the house in order to improve their lives.
Feng Shui is a whole art and can be taught for days and days. In this blog we would love to talk about some basics of it. Making your home look cozy is not an easy thing to do and Rodika Thi, specialist in Feng Shui has a few recommendations:
Clear out your clutter! Try to get rid of everything you do not love in your house. It is, mentally and emotionally a very challenging process. Clutter clearing is a time-and energy-consuming process. Some people compare it to therapy as it helps you feel better.
It is essential to have Good Quality Air and Good Quality Light in your house. These two elements are in charge of good Feng Shui energy, called Chi, in your home. Try to open the windows daily for 10-20 minutes. It will let fresh new energy to come in to your house. Allow as much natural light as possible into your home, and consider using full-spectrum lights.
The most interesting part of Feng Shui is to define the Ba Gua, or the Feng Shui energy map of your house. In order to define it you shall use one of the two main Feng Shui methods – the compass or the BTB grid. Ba Gua is used to find out which part of your home correlates with a particular situation in your life. A compass will determine 9 geographical directions your home (North, North-East, East, South-East, South, South-West, West, North-West, and the center of your house). Every direction will correspond to a certain part of your life.
SE -Finances, Prosperity
S- Fame, Reputation
SW- Relationships, Love
W- Children/Creativity,
NW – Helpful People, Blessing, Travel
N- Career,
NE- Knowledge, Wisdom and Spirituality
E- Family
Center – Physical Health
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